Unlock the Path to a SELF-Led Life, AFAF — Without the Quick-Fix Gimmicks

Discover the Transformational Approach Master Life Coach Lee Davy Uses to Guide You Toward Living With Authenticity, Purpose, and Power. 

No Matter Where You Are or What You Face.

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Ever Feel Like Self-Improvement is Overwhelming?


With endless self-help books and a flood of online advice, it’s easy to feel lost in a sea of choices.

“Where do I even begin?”

“How do I make real progress?”

“Who can I actually rely on?”

If that sounds like you, you’re not alone.

I’m here with a no-nonsense approach to help you take control and start pursuing the life you truly deserve — a life you’ll be excited to live every single day.

I call it…

Mastering the Art of a SELF-Led Life, AFAF


Let’s be real for a moment…

It’s not some hidden secret — living a SELF-led life, AFAF is more like mastering a fine art.

But here’s the catch…

You may not want to hear what I’m about to say.

Still, it’s exactly what you NEED to hear if you’re serious about building a life that fills you with pride and purpose.

Before we go further, ask yourself honestly…

Does this sound familiar?


>> You mindlessly scroll through social media or binge-watch TV because there’s “nothing better to do,” leaving you frustrated and stuck — but you can’t stop.
>> You find yourself in constant arguments with loved ones, feeling misunderstood and unable to communicate without your emotions spiraling out of control.


>> You seek escape in habits that leave you feeling even more disconnected, frustrated, and unfulfilled.


>> Regrets from past mistakes weigh heavily on your mind, filling you with shame and guilt.
>> You often wake up feeling lost, asking yourself, “What’s the point?”


If ANY of this hits home... I know how you feel


I’ve been in your shoes 👇

My Personal Message To YOU

Lee Davy / Certified Master Life Coach / The STRIVE Method Founder

Dear friend,

A little over a decade ago, I hit rock bottom.

My marriage was on the verge of collapse.

Debt from gambling was piling up, suffocating me more with each passing day.

At work, my role with DB Schenker became a nightmare — I was forced to let go of colleagues during the global financial crisis of 2007/08, all while fearing for my own job.

And then came the death threats in the middle of the night, terrifying my family and me.

I woke up each morning dreading what lay ahead.

I was caught in a spiral of destructive habits, clinging to anything that numbed the chaos.

Those were some of the darkest days of my life.

In a desperate attempt to save my marriage and my sanity, I made a bold decision: I quit alcohol.

That one choice sparked a revelation — I realized alcohol was offering me nothing but emptiness, keeping me stuck.

This moment of clarity ignited a transformation that would change everything…

I questioned every decision I ever made


From the way I socialized, to the marriage I was in, to the job I dragged myself to every day — dreading each moment but pushing through on autopilot.

This deep reflection uncovered something monumental:

I had reached 35 without making a single conscious decision.

I was just going through the motions, living life without intention.

That realization led me to one of the toughest decisions I’d ever make:

With my wife’s support, I left my job at DB Schenker and began a new journey — helping others live a life of purpose, fully AFAF.

But the road ahead wasn’t easy…

While traveling, my 15-year marriage ended in divorce. It was an incredibly painful process, filled with conflict and regret.

The most challenging period of my life...


During this turbulent time, I fell in love with my now-wife, Liza. We had our daughter, Zia, and suddenly, I felt like I was being pulled in every direction — one strong tug away from snapping.

Unsure of what to do, I followed my parents’ advice:

“Suck it up and get on with it.”

So I did.

During COVID, I took a pivotal step and trained as a Master Life Coach at The Elementum Coaching Institute. This six-month journey was the most transformative and reflective period of my life, as I explored deep topics like trauma, nervous system regulation, and relationships.

Then, out of the blue, Liza asked for a divorce.

With no alcohol to blame, I was forced to confront the deeper truths — and that’s when I realized that just being AFAF wasn’t enough.

I was still living unconsciously, repeating the same patterns, only this time I wasn’t drinking. I was a boy trapped in a man’s body, making decisions from parts of me shaped by childhood trauma designed to protect me.

I learned how to recognize, engage with, and ultimately love these parts of myself.

This practice settled my nervous system, grounding me in ways I hadn’t known before. I became more compassionate, present, and truly loving—for the first time, I met my real SELF.

The people closest to me, even Liza and Zia, started asking…


“Who is this guy?”


That’s when I discovered the true nature of progress: continuously working on yourself, screwing things up, slipping out of integrity, but always finding your way back.

This is the tough-love secret.

This is the art of living a SELF-led life.

It’s a cycle: mess up, learn, improve, repeat. The more you realign with integrity, the more people trust you, believing you can make it through together.

I’m not here to pretend I’m a flawless version of someone living a SELF-led life. Not at all.

I still mess up and slip into my ego, but now, I’m more aware of it because I know my SELF better and love all parts of me.

It’s not easy. It’s not fast. It’s not a magic solution.

But it’s beautifully slow work — and I’m here to guide you through it,

One baby step at a time.

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Real Transformations: Success Stories from STRIVERS Who’ve Embraced the SELF-Led Life


The fact you’re here...


You’re ready for a real change.

But how long will you keep telling yourself that “one day” you’ll make that change?

Here’s the hard truth — that day will never come unless you create it.

It starts with a conscious decision to design your life differently, to take control and steer it in a new direction.

Your habits, thoughts, and beliefs need to shift. This is how you step into a new identity.

You can continue ignoring that inner voice telling you that you want more, or you can decide to commit to building the reality you deserve.

The choice is yours.

Ignore the issues, and they’ll grow like parasites in the back of your mind — feeding off your doubts and fears.

One day, you’ll look back and be haunted by the regret, wondering “What if?”

Don’t drift through life, my friend.

Life becomes extraordinary when you take the reins and consciously create it.

I know firsthand that the struggles that come with change are worth the freedom and fulfillment you’ll gain.

Take control of your life before it’s too late.

So, how do we start?


That’s the big question, right?

You could spend months, even years, trying to figure this out on your own — jumping from one self-help book to the next, binge-watching YouTube videos…

But let’s be honest — that only drains your most valuable resource: TIME.

And time is something you can never get back.

That’s why I created something different: a community of like-minded individuals, dedicated to real transformation.

Welcome to STRIVE.

At STRIVE, we follow a proven system called the STRIVE Method:

What is the STRIVE Method?


It’s your pathway to a life of clarity, resilience, and deep personal freedom.


Through a 6-month workshop, limited to just 30 participants per cohort to ensure a personalised experience, you’ll have access to weekly group coaching calls with expert STRIVE coaches, weekly coaching videos, and tailored assignments designed to guide you in living a SELF-led life, AFAF.


You’ll also embark on our exclusive STRIVE Method Quests, a step-by-step system designed to help you embody conscious living and take radical responsibility for your life.


Experience a profound transformation as you realign your life with your true values and break free from the Liquid Lie that has been holding you back. It’s time to take control, heal your past, and create the future you deserve.

My friend...


 What if you could shed the weight of shame and regret… through simple, practical steps that build momentum over time?


 What if you could regain control of your life… by healing the past and living with purpose?


  What if you could live the life that you ACTUALLY want… not the life that you settled for?

 What if you could craft a life you truly desire… instead of living one you simply tolerate?

 What if you had professional support from someone who has walked this path and can guide you through it?


✔ What if you could start today… and take that first step from the comfort of your own home?


>> Be the First to Know—Join the STRIVE Waiting List Now!

Here's What You're Getting with the Investment of a Lifetime

The STRIVE Method

Experience the transformative journey of the STRIVE Method, a six—month workshop designed to guide you toward living a conscious, empowered life…

A SELF-led life.


Through weekly coaching videos, group sessions with expert coaches, and a structured quest system, you’ll develop the tools to break free from the Liquid Lie and genuinely embody your values.


Discover a profound shift in your outlook on life, creating deeper emotional resilience, clearer focus, and an authentic sense of purpose…

Global Community

Belong to our diverse community of individuals — within cohorts no bigger than 30 people — united by a shared journey.

Everyone sees, hears, and values you.

You are not alone; we're stronger.

Embrace the warmth and understanding that only like-minded communities offer, and the intimacy and relationship development that proves challenging in larger communities.

Group Coaching Calls

Reinforce your commitment to conscious living with weekly group coaching calls.

The STRIVE coaching team offers guidance, support, and insight, turning challenges into stepping stones.

Join us to find strategies that work, share victories, and gain strength from others' experiences.

Guest Speakers & Coaches

Experience the wisdom of various experts with access to guest speakers and coaches.

They cover diverse topics to guide you towards a SELF-led life.

Here's your chance to learn, evolve, and refine your journey with the help of some of the most respected voices in the field.

Podcast Appearance

STRIVERS are given the unique opportunity to appear on the 1000 Days Sober Podcast.

Share your story, your struggles, and your triumphs to inspire others.

Your journey can become a beacon for those navigating the foggy waters of sobriety, turning your narrative into a tale of hope.


Within our STRIVE community, you'll find a constant source of feedback and support.

Our community forums, quests, and group coaching calls provide a platform for genuine interactions with peers who truly understand what you're facing.

Navigate your journey with real-time insights and experience a community that learns and grows together.


The STRIVE community shows that self-development and growth can be FUN.

As you immerse yourself in the STRIVE Method cohort, you’ll experience the joy of personal growth and the excitement of helping others on their journey.

Celebrate every breakthrough, share your wins, and feel the collective energy as you and your peers thrive together. Growth is a journey—one that’s as rewarding as it is transformative.

The life-changing benefits of living a SELF-led life:


✔️ Make confident decisions that align with your deepest values—without second-guessing

✔️ Gain respect and trust from those who matter most in your life

✔️ Move from victim to victor—own your actions, embrace accountability, and thrive

✔️ Learn how to quickly bounce back when life goes off track (because it happens!)

✔️ Handle conflict with grace and strength—without losing your cool

✔️ Master the art of pausing before making choices, giving yourself the clarity to choose wisely

✔️ Become a conscious, intentional parent—creating a legacy of success for your kids



Your experience with the STRIVE Method will be personalised to you
That’s why we only accept 30 members (no exceptions)
This ensures each STRIVER receives the proper focus, attention, and intimacy needed to design their very own roadmap
Apply NOW to join the wait list & secure your spot
Together, we'll eliminate the thought of ‘what could have been...'
>> Be the First to Know—Join the STRIVE Waiting List Now!


The Liquid Lie Unveiled:

Living Life Alcohol-Free-As-Fuck!

In this 100% free eBook, you’ll learn…

✅ The truth about the Liquid Lie and how it manipulates your relationship with alcohol.

✅ Why giving up alcohol is easier than you’ve been led to believe—it’s not a struggle; it’s a choice.

✅ How embracing an Alcohol-Free As F*ck (AFAF) lifestyle can open up your life to real purpose and joy.

✅ Learn about the mindset shifts that will help you escape the alcohol trap and live a SELF-led life, free from the Liquid Lie.

Claim your FREE eBook now—where should we send it?