16 Habits of People Living a SELF-Led Life AFAF

#afaf #emotionalintelligence #integrity #leadership #leedavycoaching #mindfulliving #personalgrowth #selfawareness #selfimprovement #selfledlife #selfregulation #soberliving #theselfledlife Aug 30, 2024
  1. They clean up residual energy before transitioning into different roles (father, husband, lover, boss)
  2. They are aware when they’re approaching their window of tolerance and take appropriate action
  3. They take 100% responsibility for the way they respond to people
  4. They know when they are in SELF or PARTS
  5. When they fall out of integrity, they know what to do to get back into integrity
  6. They are committed to personal growth and development
  7. “How” they show up in a conversation is more important than “What” they talk about
  8. They play the ‘Inside Out’ game
  9. They know how to self-regulate
  10. They are leaders who inspire and evoke change in others
  11. They accept that they are perfectly imperfect
  12. They treat their body with respect
  13. They know how to be silly and to have fun
  14. They feel their feelings through to completion
  15. They are a safe space for themselves and others
  16. They are effective communicators

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