Oct 29, 2024
My mother used to give me £5 per week dinner money when I was in school. She’d give it to me on Sunday night, and by the end of Monday I’d spent it all playing a game called Wonder Boy in Sterlini’s Cafe.
When you got to the end of a level you had to beat an End Boss, and nobody beat an End Boss at the first time of asking. You had to die and die a lot, and the deeper you got into the game the tougher the End Bosses became.
It would take weeks of play, lots of dinner money, and countless lost lives to beat these bosses. You would dream of seeing the words ‘Game Over’ in your sleep.
But the game was never over.
Each try.
Each lost life.
Each 50p piece.
Helped you to formulate a plan to win.
To down each End Boss.
There were only two ways you lost.
You ran out of 50ps.
You gave up.
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